A philosophical essay by Albert Camus. No I do not believe in Camus's absurd, but in this essay some brilliant thoughts were states which I totally agree with.
"Much of our life is built on the hope for tomorrow yet tomorrow brings us closer to death and is the ultimate enemy;
People live as if they didn't know about the certainty of death; once stripped of its common romanticisms, the world is a foreign, strange and inhuman place; True knowledge is impossible and rationality and science cannot explain the world".
For Camus, absurd was the answer, living without any ethical rules is the solution. In other words living like animals, because he believed that abandoning reason and turning to God is "committing a philosophical suicide ".
Apart from Camus's crap, we are all Sisyphus , struggling in different ways, repeating the same mistakes over and over. In the most glorious moments one can imagine the upcoming suffering . C'est la vie .
كلنا سيزيف ..
فكرة لم تخطر على بالى على الرغم من إهتمامى بالميثولوجى اليونانى ، لكن بالفعل ..هى فكرة ذات أبعاد صحيحة
ربما لأننا أصبحنا نكرر ذاتنا ، ندور فى ذات الدائرة المغلقة
ربما لأننا تعودنا أن نلتذ بالمعاناة
ربما ربما ..
أحب البوست التى تثير حولنا غبار التفكير :)
"ربما لأننا أصبحنا نكرر ذاتنا ، ندور فى ذات الدائرة المغلقة
ربما لأننا تعودنا أن نلتذ بالمعاناة
هو ذاك يا عزيزتي
سعيده بما أثرته حولك من غبار :)
وسعيده أكثر بزيارتك
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