Friday, 27 February 2009

A bug on Nokia S80

A very silly bug indeed, I've searched a lot about it , and no fixs were provided for it :(
This bug (only on nokia s80 platform) related to the ChoiceGroup item , when a choiceGroup is appended to your form, none of your commands is visible anymore , except for exit and back commands.
A possible (and quite good ) solution is to add your commands to the choiceGroup itself, and implement the ItemCommandListener interface.
But what if you wanna add other items on the form , here where fun begins :) . The commands ( added to the choiceGroup) are only visible when the choiceGroup has the focus , and disappear once you select another item . A possible solution here is to implement the ItemStateListener interface , and in the itemStateChanged() method , you set the focus on the choiceGroup ( did not do it yet ) once an item is changed.
This will be a very bad behaviour of your application , the commands will keep appear/disapppear every time you change an item .
For my case , I'm gonna develop another version of the application for S80 particullary , this will require a totaly new UI design for some of my screens :(


Mustafa said...

مع اني فصلت في نص الكلام. بش شكله
nasty bug :)

I understand that your workaround is a kind of refresh the disappeared region? right?

Do you work on J2ME? I thought you do J2EE now!

Unknown said...

بش شكله
nasty bug :)

Oh, yes it is

I understand that your workaround is a kind of refresh the disappeared region? right?
not exactly , what disappear is the commands itself ( for example an okCommand to go to the next screen)
My workaround is "myChoiceGroup.addCommand(okCommand)"
I'm gonna need some changes in the UI

Do you work on J2ME? I thought you do J2EE now!
both :)it's a new channel where the end-user interface is j2me application instead of JSP interface